Members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Springfield filled 52 shoeboxes as part of Operation Christmas Child. Volunteers donated and wrapped gifts for children. They were sent to North Carolina in November as part of a parish project.. They are among similar shipments from all over the United States, co-ordinated by Samaritan’s Purse annual project, Operation Christmas Child.

A sample of the goodies in each shoe box!

 These local shoeboxes were filled  by CCD classes and participating  parish families. Flights will deliver them to the Operation Christmas Child destinations for 2011: Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, and South Africa.

The boxes were blessed at a Nov. 6th Mass at the parish and the children formed a procession with the shoeboxes.

CCD Administrator Christine DiVenuto and her daughter, Brigid, look at the many donations.
